2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Technology Studies: Precision Manufacturing Certificate (PRMC-CC-COT)
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CT State Community College Catalog 2023-2024
- New students enrolling for the first time in Fall 2023 will begin as students of Connecticut State Community College under this catalog.
- Continuing students from one of the 12 community colleges will be transitioned into a CT State program in this catalog as of the start of the Fall 2023 term.
- The policies, courses and programs described are applicable as of the Fall 2023 term and may be updated as circumstances require.
The Precision Manufacturing certificate program equips students with the necessary hands-on experience and foundational knowledge to qualify for entry-level positions as machine operators and quality control inspectors. In this program, students are taught both conventional machining techniques and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining techniques. The programs were developed in response to Connecticut manufacturers’ needs for a highly skilled workforce to match the needs of the regional industry sector partnerships around the state of Connecticut. The student who completes the Precision Manufacturing certificate program has a choice to pursue employment or to matriculate in an associate degree program.
Manchester is in the process of applying for National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) accreditation.
Learning Outcomes:
- Read and interpret engineering drawings/blueprints (mechanical)
- Understand the types of fits and mating parts
- Be able to interpret geometric dimensioning and tolerancing requirements applied to the engineering drawings
- Exhibit competency in machining on a lathe;
- Exhibit competency in machining on milling machine;
- Exhibit competency in two-dimensional and three-dimensional CAD as applied to mechanical parts and geometries
- Exhibit competency in creating blueprints from solid models generated through CAD
- Read and write G&M codes for CNC programming
- Be able to load and execute post processed CNC programs onto Haas CNC Machining Centers and Turning Center
- Understand metrology and its applications in quality control and production
- Understand basic principles of lean manufacturing
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