Mar 14, 2025
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Management Information Systems, AS (MINF-AS)
CT State Community College Catalog 2023-2024
- New students enrolling for the first time in Fall 2023 will begin as students of Connecticut State Community College under this catalog.
- Continuing students from one of the 12 community colleges will be transitioned into a CT State program in this catalog as of the start of the Fall 2023 term.
- The policies, courses and programs described are applicable as of the Fall 2023 term and may be updated as circumstances require.
The Management Information Systems program combines Business Management and Information Systems curricula. This merging of business and technical coursework gives students the necessary technical and communications skills as they are applied within the business environment, which offers a stronger background and degree of preparation for the workforce. This curriculum combines general education, business and computer courses that are normally taken as a part of a bachelor’s degree program at a four-year school. Courses in this program will transfer to four-year schools in the Management Information Systems and/or computer-related degree programs.
After completing this degree, graduates may then choose to continue their education through a bachelor’s degree program in Management Information Systems at Central Connecticut State University or other state universities through articulation agreements.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of all Management Information Systems degree program requirements, graduates will
- Demonstrate relevant content knowledge of core business disciplines, accounting, business law, management, and business communications.
- Define information systems and describe their importance to organizations.
- Describe the basic methodologies used to develop and implement information systems.
- Utilize business application software including spreadsheet, database, presentation, and word processing for business decision-making and analysis.
- Recognize the importance of working in teams to achieve common goals and collaborate effectively in group assignments.
- Apply current technology, analyze business problems, and design and develop software.
- Communicate using network technologies, access information via the Internet, and understand information integrity and security issues.
- Gain awareness of legal, regulatory, and ethical issues facing the profession, awareness of information technology and network security, and understanding the methods for creating and managing change in organizations
General Education Courses (21-23 credits)
Program Courses (39-40 credits)